Opportunities for Service
- Worship Committee –Responsible for the worship services and music
- Choir – Help us praise the Lord through music! New members are most welcome to join the group
- Special Music – Share your talent vocal or instrumental
- Worship Assistant – reads the lessons and assist with communion at Saturday & Sunday Worship Services
- Ushers –Greet worshipers, distribute bulletins, collect offering
- Altar Guild – team members meet on Saturday mornings to prepare the chancel area for worship by setting up for communion.
- LWR Sewing Group- The group meets from 8:30am until noon every Tuesday in the basement to sew quilts, school bags, diapers & receiving blankets for Lutheran World Relief. Volunteers are always welcome!
- Women of the ELCA ‘WELCA’ – A time for the women of Calvary to share fellowship.
- Children Learning At Calvary ‘CLAC’ – CLAC meets every Wednesday, during the school season from 3:45pm to 5:15pm. New and old teachers are always welcome, classes are for children ages 3 through confirmation.
- Food Pantry in Arbor Vitae – Distribute food for those in need
- Office Volunteer – Assist in the office for special projects and to assist the secretary
- Stewardship Member – Implement ways that Calvary members can be active stewards with their time, talent and treasure.
- Building and Grounds Team Member – Assist the custodian in the up-keep and repair of the building and grounds.
- Funeral Luncheon Helpers – Assist with setup, prepare and serve coffee and food. Clean up and wash table clothes
- Money Counters – Count the offering money after the 9am service on Sunday, and deposit the money in the bank.
- Calvary Garden Team: Got a green Thumb? – Work in the garden, which provides tons of vegetables for the local food pantry.